Collier County Building Department has recently reduced permit and inspection fees for solar pool heaters. Fees are now approximately 1/3rd less than previous rates!
The jurisdiction previously had the highest permit fees in the Southwest Florida area. We never understood why the fees were so far out of line with other building departments, and it seems they have realized the same thing. It’s a great day for the residents of Naples who want to go solar!
While the county still does two inspections (plumbing and structural), the cost per inspection was drastically reduced along with the plan review fee. Total permitting fees are now as low as $104 plus the costs to file a Notice of Commencement with the Clerk of Courts ($10-$14). This puts Collier County around the middle for area solar pool heating permit costs. Permits elsewhere range from $79 – $125 in Southwest Florida.
Unfortunately, they still do not have online permitting for applications that require plan review, and require stamped plans to be delivered in person. Jobsite copies also need to be picked up separately. This does add to our cost of doing business in the County, but with the volume of work we do, it’s pretty negligible. Other jurisdictions offer completely electronic processes or over the counter permits.
We’re happy to see prices coming down, and we’re passing the savings along to our clients. Solar pool heating is big business in Collier County, and we appreciate the County recognizing that their costs of doing permitting and inspection for the areas professional solar contractors is less than previously thought.