iSwim, FAFCO, Heliocol, Solar Industries – Comparing Solar Pool Heating Panel Ratings

A cutaway of the iSwim panel showing fully open tubes.
There is more to solar panel performance than just ratings. The panel design will determine the actual flow rate and performance during adverse conditions not considered with standardized ratings.

The best represented solar pool heating panels in Southwest Florida are iSwim™, FAFCO Sunsaver™, Heliocol™, and Solar Industries (Aquatherm). The de facto rating agency in Florida is the Florida Solar Energy Center. They publish solar thermal collector ratings that list a solar pool heating panel’s output in thousands of BTU per square foot of panel per day. In this article we compare the four manufacturer’s panel ratings to help you make an informed decision, and decipher what the ratings really mean. You might be surprised to learn that the ratings have some important caveats that you need to take into consideration.

The Ratings

Solar Pool Heating panels are rated by FSEC at low, intermediate, and high temperatures. What this means is that they test the collector heating output under standard test conditions with varying inlet water temperatures. The low temperature rating is where pools typically operate, around 86ºF. As the temperature of the water increases, all solar pool heating panels lose performance. Not as much heat can be added as the water temperature increases. If you want maximum performance, you want to select a panel that continues to deliver heat as the water temperature rises. At the high temperature rating of 212ºF (the boiling point), no unglazed collector can add heat to the water. This rating is irrelevant for pool heating, unless you want to cook the world’s largest pot of soup.

Here are the ratings broken down by category for each manufacturer’s solar panel (but keep reading below to learn why the ratings are not very useful):


Low Temperature 86ºF

in kBTU/Sq Ft/Day

iSwim™ 1000
FAFCO™ 1014
Solar Industries 1000
Heliocol™ 954


Intermediate Temperature 122ºF

in kBTU/Sq Ft/Day

iSwim™ 410
FAFCO™ 452
Solar Industries 377
Heliocol™ 342


In reality, you are not going to heat your pool to anywhere near 122ºF. That would be extraordinarily dangerous. The point is to show that the panels lose efficiency as the water temperature rises relative to the solar panel temperature.


Solar Pool Heating Panel Rating Caveats

At first glance, you might think the FAFCO™ panel is the ratings winner. However, there are many more comparative factors when selecting a solar pool heater. For example, the collector type will indicate what kind of performance to expect in conditions that standardized tests do not consider. Rarely do solar panels operate under standard conditions. The weather and solar radiation varies throughout the day and the year. Standard test conditions also limit wind speeds, so the cooling effect for different panel types is not tested.

There are two major flaws in the ratings system: water flow rate and time of year.

Flow Rate

The most important factor when considering solar pool heater comparative performance is flow rate. The ratings use a standardized flow rate determined by manufacturers’ recommended rate of flow for the most efficient performance. The problem is that flow rate depends on the amount of restriction caused be the panel and plumbing. While FAFCO™ has the best rating by a slim margin at a standardized flow rate, they also have the highest amount of restriction in the panels by a wide margin due to the panel design. That means the flow rate in real world conditions is lower, reducing panel performance. For a given pool pump or pump speed, the iSwim panel will have the highest flow rate, improving performance. The Heliocol panel features a low resistance over-molded design also, but they use a 1-1/2″ header, plumbing, and valves, negating their system level advantage.

If the ratings were standardized against a given pump horsepower and typical pool plumbing pressures, the iSwim™ panel would crush the FAFCO™ panel and all others.

Time of Year

Ratings are annualized, meaning they show the average solar collector rating over the period of a typical weather year. However, most people in Southwest Florida do not heat their pool year-round, turning off their heaters in summer. Some panels (Heliocol™ and FAFCO’s Separated Tube model) gain an advantage during the summer months where the loose tubes absorb ambient heat, skewing their summer performance ratings higher. In reality, most people need to heat their pool during challenging weather conditions during fall and spring when ambient temperatures are cooler and it is typically windier. In these conditions, full body solar panel designs like the iSwim panel shine and loose/separated tube designs perform relatively poorly.

If the ratings were standardized to take into account when people actually heat and use their pools, iSwim and other full body panels would be rated much higher relative to loose tube models.

Note: FAFCO’s Sunsaver is not the same as their separated tube model, known as the Sunsaver ST™. The “ST” model has much lower ratings due to the separated tube design. Because they are both branded Sunsaver™, there may be some confusion about which panel rating you should use. Just know that the separated tube design does not perform as well when you need heating the most.


The truth is that all of the major solar panel brands are rated in a tight band. The ratings producer FSEC says in their ratings explanation that collectors rated within 25 BTU/sf should be considered a negligible difference. What is not so clear are the caveats that result in higher performance when it matters most when using collectors with the ideal design and flow characteristics like iSwim.

While selecting a solar pool heating panel involves much more than simply looking at which one performs the best, the FSEC ratings are a good indicator of relative heating performance for each brand, and show that all panels fall into a pretty tight range of performance. The four FSEC ratings are available below for your independent review.

iSwim FSEC


Solar Industries FSEC

Heliocol FSEC



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  • ağın says:
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    Fotoğraflarla desteklenmiş bu yazı gerçekten etkileyiciydi, bu bölgeyi ziyaret etmek için sabırsızlanıyorum. | lice kurumsal web tasarım
  • Lynn says:

    I have a Heliocol sysem. I noticed that when its below 60 degrees the tubes between the top and bottom are stretched so tight that it lifts them off the shingles. Is this normal? Seems like it could pull the tubes out over time.

    • Jason Szumlanski says:


      That is defintely not good. It sounds like it was improperly installed. That brand is supposed to use a lower header clamp that has some play in it to allow for expansion and contraction.


  • Jacky Clemente says:
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    Nice article, I learn plenty of information that might help me choose the best pool heat pump prices. Thankfully all the info. you mention above match these pool heater; I will share your article with my friends as well. pool heat pump prices
  • Abby Cinalla says:
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    I’ve been wondering around for a while which best pool heat pump prices is the best until I found this article when goggling for pool problems. I got say the information I came across in this article is of great benefits if you want to invest in the top-rated brands.
  • Lou Cinalla says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
    I was looking for a Pool Heat Pump that is up to 16 times more energy efficient than other pool and spa heaters, translating to exceptionally large long-term savings! And was landed on your website which I believe will help me in choosing the best cover for our pool. Thanks for the very informative article.
  • Lou C. says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
    You have an interesting article that I believe will help me in choosing the best pool heater. I was looking for a pool heater with a great way to save money and time. It’s also an excellent choice for those who are looking to save money on their utility bills.
  • Bobby says:

    Hi, I already have heliocol, but a family member has a extra fafco panel. Are they able to be added together? Both are 4×10.

    • Jason Szumlanski says:

      Do not mix and match panels. Water takes the path of least resistance. Heliocol has a much much lower resistance to flow. Almost no water will flow through the Fafco panel. They also will not line up perfectly. The answer is a definite NO.

  • Steve says:

    I am considering putting in an iSwim solar pool heating system for my South Florida pool, but by my calculations, I am having a hard time justifying it based on the data I have seen. I have outlined my issues below. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

    If I understand the rating correctly, it says a 4X12 iSwim panel can generate 45,600 BTU per solar day. I have read that a heat pump uses about 5 kw of electricity to put in 100,000 BTU’s of heat. Assuming $0.15/kwh for electricity, that works out to $0.75 for 100,000 BTUs from the heat pump. Based on that, a 4×12 iSwim panel replaces 0.465 X $0.75 = $0.35/day/panel of electricity usage. With a 6 panel array, that works out to about $2.10/day or $63/month, assuming all days were sunny. Assuming 8 months of usage for the solar heating, that is a $504/yr savings. If I assume ~$4000 installed cost for the solar system, that is an 8 year payout, which is not very attractive. Am I missing something in my analysis?

    Also, based on a six 4X12 panel array and a 12,000 gallon pool (100,000 lbs water) with 335 ft2 surface area, the iSwim panels would supply (6 X 45,000 BTU/panel/day) 273,000 BTU/day. This would add 2.73 F/day to the pool water. This seems like it might not replace daily losses with a covered pool. If it doesn’t replace daily losses, I am going to lose temperature and usefulness of the pool. Am I missing something in this calculation? Is the 45,600 BTU/Day/panel reasonably accurate for the real world heat input?

    • Jason Szumlanski says:

      Hi Steve,

      Your analysis is flawed. First and foremost, it ignores the cost of purchasing the heat pump! And, a solar pool heater will last twice as long as a heat pump.

      The “5 kWH per 100,000 BTU it’s a myth that heat pump salespeople have propagated.” The other great myth is the $1 a day claim that salespeople make (check the small print). Heat pumps don’t work that way. It depends on the ambient conditions and the pool water temperature. For a more accurate look at what it really costs to heat a pool in various locations, here is an unbiased article:

      Another resource comes from the Florida Solar Energy Center here:

      You’re not going to be able to use straight math to compare options. There are too many variables to determine what your experience will be. There are pros and cons to each option. The ROI for solar pool heating is undeniably spectacular. However, it’s not for everyone. If you demand a certain setpoint under any conditions, solar pool heating may not be for you. On that note, a heat pump may not be the right option either. Heat pumps perform poorly when the ambient temperature is cold. Solar pool heaters can put more heat into a pool in cold ambient temperatures, but neither would provide the experience of a gas heater. It just depends on how you use your pool.

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