Florida has become much more reliant on natural gas recently. This dependence puts us at risk of price fluctuations in the Natural Gas market. The infographic below shows the change in energy source for electricity delivered by FPL, the state’s largest electricity generator. As a state, we have done little to hedge against fuel price fluctuations by diversifying our energy mix, especially with renewables.
Compare this to the national historical energy mix trend from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (see graph below). The trend nationwide has also been toward natural gas, which is cheap — currently. Some states have policies in place that encourage individual ratepayers to install their own solar energy generation (solar panels). This reduces the overall fuel required for a utility to deliver electricity to ratepayers, but it does not change the fuel mix. While FPL is one of the largest producers of solar energy in the nation, the percentage of natural gas utilized for electricity generation is alarming to many.
![Historical US Electricity Generation Mix](http://d342k2t1ugg5gi.cloudfront.net/resources/20150419150127/Historical-US-Electricity-Generation-Mix.png)