This article is part of a series: The 12 Days of Solar Pool Heating.

We have factory trained technicians to install iSwim Solar Pool Heating Systems. Florida Solar Design Group has the distinct advantage of being a short car ride away from the factory located in Florida, so we can send all full-time installers to the factory for training and education that includes classroom and practical coursework. Other brands that are made in California, New Jersey, and Israel cannot easily offer Florida dealers factory training at the point of manufacture, and you will find that most installers from competitors have only on-the-job learning with little to no written coursework or practical off-site training. There is no substitute for installers meeting the people that make the panels and seeing the process by which they are made.
In addition, we require that all lead installers study the Florida Solar Energy Center Solar Pool Heating Design, Installation, Repair, and Maintenance manual (FSEC-IN-24), and they are further trained, challenged, and quizzed by our Principal Solar Designer, the certified state licensee qualifying the company.
Finally, time on the job is no substitute for proper training and oversight. Don’t let years of experience convince you that one installer is better than another. While experience is helpful, learning to do things right is key to a successful and long-lasting, trouble-free installation.