Repair Service for Solar Pool Heating Panels
While solar pool heating systems are extremely reliable and trouble-free for most of their lives, with millions of gallons of water flowing through them over a lifetime, repairs and service are inevitable at some point. Here are some of the repair services we offer for solar pool heating panels:
- Leak Repair — Identify source of tube, panel body, and header leaks and plug leaks or replace panels.
- Plumbing Repair — Fix leaks at PVC plumbing joints.
- Plumbing Replacement — Replace warped, swollen, discolored, and other PVC pipe issues on the roof, along the wall, and at the pool equipment.
- Replace Valves — Replace or service broken and stuck valves with high quality serviceable and permanently lubricated valves.
- Replace Vacuum Relief Valves — Leaking VRVs are common after years of service. We use a top quality ball and spring valve.
- System Removal and Re-installation — When roof service or replacement is necessary, we offer removal and re-installation services. If reinstallation is not advised, we will provide a replacement quote. Note that we only reinstall systems that we originally installed except under specific circumstances. There are a variety of technical and liability reasons for this.
- Solar Automation Repairs — Service ad replacement for faulty, mis-programmed, or damaged pool automation equipment including sensors and motorized valve actuators.
- System Tune-Ups — Tightening of brackets, clamps, and system checks at the beginning of pool season or when you return to town.
- Seasonal Turn-on / Turn-off — For seasonal residents, we will make sure your system is properly bypassed for, or reopened after long durations away from home.
- New Owner Education — Just bought a home with solar pool heating panels? We will assess the condition and tell you how it works. We also offer this service before your buy a home as an informal or formal system inspection.
Please Note
- iSwim™ brand panels from Solar Hydronics Corp by Florida Solar Design Group
- FAFCO™ brand panels by Fafco Solar
- Heliocol™ brand panels by Advance Solar and others
- Solar Industries / Aquatherm™ panels by Stilwell Solar and others
- Techno-Solis™ panels
- All other brands of solar pool heating panels
If you are in need of service for your solar pool heating panels or system, we will provide affordable, honest, and competent repairs to help keep your system working. If your system is under warranty, we recommend you contact the installer of your panels, but we may be able to provide more affordable service for both warranty and non-warranty repairs in many cases. We are happy to provide second opinions.
For more about maintenance and solar pool heater tune-ups, visit the page here.
Contact Us For Solar Pool Heating Service
Call (239) 491-8010 or fill out this form:
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