Solar Energy is Amazing

Thank You Card from the Solar Explorers Summer Camp at Naples Botanical Garden in Naples, FL
Thank You Card from the Solar Explorers Summer Camp at Naples Botanical Garden in Naples, FL

Sometimes I lose perspective on how amazing solar energy really is. We go about our day, forgetting that the solar panels we have cumulatively sold offset huge amounts of energy. Unlike selling a gallon of fuel or a pound of gas that burn up quickly to provide short spurts of energy, solar panels provide a long-term, lasting energy source for homes and businesses. In the day-to-day grind I often fail to look back and remember the excitement people express when they experienced solar energy for the first time.

This weekend I came across a card I received from the Solar Explorers at a summer camp at Naples Botanical Garden in Naples, FL. For a couple of years I spoke to groups of children from age 5 to 12 about solar energy. We played some games and did some hands on solar energy demonstrations. The card reminded me of how amazed and intrigued children are when taught about solar energy, but the excitement is not limited to our youngest solar enthusiasts…

I went to a client’s house last week to meet a building inspector and talk to the new solar electric system owner about his performance monitoring system. The excitement in his voice, the glimmer in his eye, and the storytelling about seeing his meter spin backward for the first time reminded me of the wonder and amazement shared by people of all ages. The feeling of being your own power company is unbeatable. I still get giddy when I get my monthly bill from my utility company by email. I open my bill like it’s a birthday present, not in fear of what’s inside each time.

In changing my role in the industry, I have had the opportunity to see a lot more clients face to face, particularly after installations are complete. It is the most rewarding change I have made to my career. Getting out there and seeing the work we do and hearing the stories directly from our clients is the best decision I have made.

It’s this excitement that I work for every day. As we build up a larger and larger client base, I am contacted more frequently by past customers who continue to benefit from solar energy. The “thank you” I get from doing what I do gets louder every day. To all of our valued clients, you are welcome, and thank YOU in return!

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