Here’s a great photograph of a solar pool heater recently installed in Naples, FL. The happy couple is looking forward to taking their daughter swimming in their new home. The pool has been too cold since they moved in in November, so it’s about time they get to jump in!
This system shows how we can transition from two different sized panels when obstructions or roof hips don’t allow all of the panels to be the same length. Ideally we use all the same size panels for an installation, which reduces plumbing headaches, but this system will perform great, and looks great, too. We had to move the system over a bit to put a plumbing vent between panels, so there is a combination of 12′ and 10′ long panels.
Note the return plumbing along the top header is plumbed to achieve a common high point for all water existing the solar panels, which helps balance the flow across all solar collectors.
It seems that your company does a great job of installation. There are plenty of other ways to do it, but you have a good system in place and it looks great!