One of the most frequent questions we are asked about solar pool heaters is about wind and hurricanes. All of our systems are engineered to meet the current building code, which specifies an ultimate design wind speed of up to 172 mph in Southwest Florida. Most areas require a 160 mph figure. Regardless, the way we achieve amazing resistance to wind uplift is to use strapping across the body of solar panels.
This is a proven effective method which spreads the wind load out across the array of solar collectors as shown in this recent Cape Coral solar pool heater installation below.
The number of straps depends on the length of the panels and the wind zone in which the installation is done. This calculation is taken from a table created by a licensed professional engineer and submitted as part of a permit application. The straps are spaced according to a pattern in the engineered drawings.
Straps can be made of a variety of materials, most commonly polyethylene, woven poly fabric/Dacron™, or coated stainless steel. Stainless steel is very good, but it is not very pliable and the coating tends to come off, especially if dip coated and if the steel surface is not properly prepared. We commonly use woven polyethylene strap that is UV coated. It is very strong, has low elasticity, and excellent longevity while not presenting sharp edges to the panels. But we go one step further. Most poly straps are woven and then coated. We use strap that has coated fibers that are then woven into the final product, providing a much better UV resistance over time.
Some people call them hurricane straps, tie down straps, wind straps, or panel straps. Whatever you call them, they hold panels down to the roof effectively during windy weather, and are the most effective way to keep solar panels in place.