I should probably start a solar energy glossary that covers this. The subject is totally confusing to newcomers to solar energy, especially when people first learn that there are different kinds of solar panels. I am going to attempt to break this down into the simplest components to tell you the difference between solar cells, modules, panels, and arrays for each type. One way that you can refer to virtually all types and be correct is to call them “collectors,” so I will use that as a generic term. All solar collectors gather solar energy in one way or another to “collect” solar energy for use.
Here we go!
Solar Electricity (Photovoltaic)
Solar electricity is what most people first think when we talk about “solar panels,” so we will start with this type of solar collector, which is also the most complex and controversial when it comes to the differences.

Solar Cell
A solar cell is the basic energy producing block of a solar photovoltaic collector. It is a single unit that produces electricity, and several cells connected in series make up a module. Cells alone have limited practical use for household solar electricity systems, as they are not environmentally protected and produce little power.
Solar Modules
A solar modules is a collection of cells in a single environmentally protected unit. This is what most people call a “solar panel,” but the more accurate term is a solar module. Modules are typically framed in aluminum, covered in glass, and have a back sheet to totally enclose cells. Modules have junction boxes with wire leads coming out of them that deliver DC electricity. 2 of 4 3Solar Panel
The term “solar panel” is hotly debated. Technically speaking, most in the solar energy industry consider a “panel” to be a collection of modules that are mounted in a single field-installed unit. Others consider it to be a collection of panels that are mounted on the same set of rails or racking system. Because the term solar panel is ambiguous, it’s best to stay away from it when speaking in technical circles, but for the average consumer it is totally acceptable call a module a panel or a group of modules a panel. In fact, to be consumer friendly, most solar dealers use the terms interchangeably. 3 of 4 4Solar Array
A solar array is a complete power generating unit. Most people refer to all of the modules that have combined output for a single power producing unit (inverter) to be an “array.” However, this is becoming somewhat ambiguous with the popularity of AC modules and microinverters. It is generally safe to call all of the solar modules on your roof an array, or at least all of the panels on a single roof surface an array. 4 of 4Solar Pool Heating
Now that we have that subject out of the way, we can turn to something that is far, far simpler. Solar pool heating has a pretty established vocabulary with less variation and debate.

Solar Pool Heating Panel
A single solar pool heating collector is simply called a solar panel, or a solar pool heating panel. It doesn’t get much easier than that. The individual tubes are called — you guessed it — tubes. 1 of 2 2Solar Pool Heating Panels (or Array)
Unlike solar electric systems, solar pool heating systems are made up of panels, and you can refer to a group of panels as simply… “solar panels.” It would be accurate to call them a solar panel array, but consumers and professionals alike call them panels. You can also call a group of individual solar pool heating panels in any configuration a “solar pool heater,” “solar pool heating system,” or “solar pool heating panels.”
Solar Water Heating
Solar water heating is easy like solar pool heating. In fact, usually there is just one solar collector on the roof in a household system.