Solar Panel Inspections with Drones

After Hurricane Irma, we found that it was very helpful to launch our Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), commonly known as a drone. For homes and businesses where solar panels are not easily seen from the ground, the drone was extremely valuable.

Drones allow safe, quick, and effective visual observations on rooftops. While there are some limitations in terms of inspections, it gives an indication whether further investigation is necessary.

There was no indication of problems, but one client on Sanibel Island was concerned about their solar panels after the recent hurricane. We experienced almost no issues with our photovoltaic systems, but they wanted the added assurance of a visual inspection. Within 10 minutes we had all the information we needed. Everything looked great!

Here is a video showing some inspection clips.

This particular roof was high, steep, and slippery. It was a perfect candidate and a perfect application for a solar panel inspection with drones. We look forward to deploying this technology in the future. With a FAA licensed drone pilot on staff, we are the only local solar contractor that can legally perform this service!


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